GMYT Fashion Academy is dedicated to ensuring academic excellence and accountability in all its programs. The academy recognizes the importance of a comprehensive examination guideline that will provide a clear and concise framework for students to understand and prepare for their exams. In line with this commitment, the academy has developed a Smart Goal Examination Question Guidelines document that aims to guide students on the necessary academic details for SOP including responsible parties.
The purpose of this document is to provide GMYT Fashion Academy students with a comprehensive examination guideline that outlines the expectations, responsibilities, and code of conduct during examinations. The document will provide students with clear instructions on what is expected of them before and during computer-based exams on the student portal. It will also outline the risks, penalties for violations, and code of conduct that would drive smart goal objectives for the students if not adhered to.
The GMYT Fashion Academy Students Examination Guidelines document is structured to provide students with a clear understanding of what is expected of them during examinations. The document is divided into several sections that provide detailed information on the various aspects of examinations, including grading, transcript, and the annual graduation ceremony.

This section of the document outlines the purpose of the examination guidelines and provides an overview of the examination process. It highlights the importance of academic excellence and accountability in the examination process and provides guidance on how to achieve these goals.
This section of the document provides detailed information on the code of conduct expected of GMYT Fashion Academy students during examinations. It outlines the responsibilities of students and the consequences of violating the code of conduct.
This section of the document outlines the risks and penalties associated with violating the code of conduct during examinations. It provides students with a clear understanding of the consequences of cheating, plagiarism, and other academic misconduct.
This section of the document provides students with detailed information on how grading is conducted at GMYT Fashion Academy. It outlines the grading system and provides guidance on how to prepare for exams to achieve academic excellence.
This section of the document provides students with detailed information on how to obtain their transcripts from GMYT Fashion Academy. It outlines the procedures for requesting transcripts and provides guidance on how to ensure that transcripts are accurate and up-to-date.
This section of the document provides students with information on the annual graduation ceremony that takes place at GMYT Fashion Academy. It outlines the procedures for applying to graduate and provides guidance on how to prepare for the ceremony.
In conclusion, the GMYT Fashion Academy Students Examination Guidelines document is an essential tool for students at the academy. It provides a clear and concise framework for students to understand and prepare for their exams, and it emphasizes the importance of academic excellence and accountability in the examination process. By adhering to the guidelines outlined in this document, GMYT Fashion Academy students can achieve their academic goals and become successful leaders in the fashion industry.
At GMYT Fashion Academy, we hold our students to a high academic standard, and our examination guidelines are a crucial part of maintaining that standard. The purpose of this section is to outline the guidelines that students should follow during their exams to ensure academic excellence and accountability.
Format of the Examination
The examinations at GMYT Fashion Academy are computer-based and consist of multiple-choice and essay questions. Students will be given a set amount of time to complete the exam, and they must adhere to the time limit. The exams will cover material learned in both practical and theory courses.
Multiple-Choice Questions
Multiple-choice questions will be included in each exam. These questions are designed to test the student’s knowledge of the material learned in the course. Each question will have four possible answers, and students must select the correct answer. Incorrect answers will result in a deduction of points.
Essay Questions
Essay questions will also be included in each exam. These questions are designed to test the student’s ability to think critically and apply the knowledge learned in the course. Students will be given a set amount of time to complete the essay question, and they must adhere to the time limit. The essay questions will be graded based on content, organization, and grammar.
It is essential for students to read and understand the instructions before beginning the exam. Students should take their time to read each question carefully and ensure that they fully understand what is being asked before answering.
Furthermore, it is essential to note that cheating during an exam is a severe violation of our academic standards and will not be tolerated. Any student caught cheating during an exam will receive a penalty, which may include failing the course, suspension, or expulsion.

Code of Conduct
To maintain academic excellence and accountability, all students must adhere to our code of conduct during exams. The code of conduct is a set of rules that students must follow to ensure a fair and equitable testing environment. The rules include the following:
- Students must arrive on time and bring a valid photo ID.
- Students must not bring any unauthorized materials into the testing area, including electronic devices, study aids, or notes.
- Students must not communicate with other students during the exam.
- Students must not leave the testing area during the exam unless authorized.
- Students must not cheat or attempt to cheat during the exam.
Mild and Gross Conduct Violations
In the event of a code of conduct violation, there are two types of violations: mild and gross. Mild violations are minor infractions that do not result in a significant disruption of the testing environment. These may include things like arriving late or forgetting a valid photo ID.
Gross violations, on the other hand, are serious infractions that result in a significant disruption of the testing environment. These may include things like attempting to cheat or causing a disturbance during the exam.
Penalties for Violations
If a student violates the code of conduct during an exam, they may receive a penalty. The penalty will depend on the severity of the violation. Mild violations may result in a deduction of points or a warning. Gross violations may result in failing the course, suspension, or expulsion from the academy.
Grading and Transcript
At the end of each term, students’ grades will be calculated based on their performance on the exams and other course assignments. Grades are based on a 100-point scale, and students must achieve a minimum of 70% to pass the course.
After each term, students will receive a transcript that shows their course grades, overall GPA, and academic standing. The transcript serves as an official record of a student’s academic performance at GMYT Fashion Academy and is essential for transferring credits to other institutions or applying for employment in the fashion industry. Summarily GMYT Fashion Academy takes its academic standards seriously
In fashion education, it is not enough to simply memorize and regurgitate information. It is equally important for students to demonstrate their understanding and application of relevant theories. This is because fashion is a practical field that requires creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. To be successful in the fashion industry, students must not only understand the theories behind fashion but also know how to apply them to real-life situations.
To demonstrate understanding and application of relevant theory, students must be able to connect the theories they have learned to the practical applications of fashion. This requires them to have a deep understanding of the principles of design, color, and aesthetics, as well as the various materials and techniques used in fashion design. By being able to connect theory to practice, students will be able to create innovative and unique designs that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
Furthermore, understanding and applying relevant theory is essential for students who plan to pursue a career in fashion research, teaching, or academia. To contribute to the field of fashion, students must not only understand the theories and principles but also be able to critically analyze and evaluate them. This requires them to be able to identify gaps in current theories and propose new and innovative ideas that push the boundaries of fashion design and theory.
Another critical aspect of the GMYT Fashion Academy Students Examination Guidelines is the conduct of the students during the examination. It is essential for students to adhere to a code of conduct that ensures academic excellence and accountability. The code of conduct should be communicated clearly to all students and should include mild and gross conduct violations with their respective penalties.
During the examination, students must maintain academic integrity by refraining from cheating, plagiarism, or any form of academic dishonesty. These actions undermine the integrity of the academic program and diminish the value of the degree. To ensure academic integrity, the examination should be proctored, and students must not communicate with one another during the exam.
In addition, students must adhere to the time limit and format of the examination. The format of the examination will vary depending on the course and the objectives of the assessment. Students must be familiar with the format and be able to navigate the software used to administer the exam. It is important for students to practice using the examination software before the exam day to minimize technical issues that could impede their performance.
Adhering to Guidelines, Submission Deadline, Maximum Word Count for Essay Questions, Equal Weighting of Questions
As a GMYT Fashion Academy student, it is crucial to adhere to the guidelines for submission to ensure that you receive the grades you deserve. In order to do so, please take note of the following instructions:
- Adhering to Guidelines: Make sure you have read and understood the instructions for the examination. Follow the instructions carefully to ensure that your answers meet the requirements. Any deviation from the instructions may result in a lower grade or disqualification.
- Submission Deadline: All examinations must be submitted before the deadline. Any submissions after the deadline will not be accepted, and the student will receive a grade of zero for the examination.
- Maximum Word Count for Essay Questions: For essay questions, a maximum word count will be specified. Students are expected to stay within the maximum word count. Any answer that exceeds the specified word count will not be marked beyond the word count limit.
- Equal Weighting of Questions: All questions in the examination have equal weighting, and as such, carry equal marks. Students should ensure that they allocate their time equally among the questions to ensure they answer all questions.
In conclusion, adherence to guidelines, submission deadline, maximum word count for essay questions, and equal weighting of questions are crucial components of the examination process. As a student, it is important to ensure that you follow these instructions to ensure that you receive the grades you deserve.
The GMYT Fashion Academy Students Examination Guidelines are critical for ensuring academic excellence and accountability. By adhering to these guidelines, students will be able to demonstrate their understanding and application of relevant theory while maintaining academic integrity. It is important for students to take the examination seriously and prepare thoroughly to ensure success. The guidelines provide a clear framework for students to follow, which helps to reduce the stress and anxiety associated with the examination process.
Exam Malpractice is a serious offense that can result in the disqualification of a student’s exam results, suspension, or even expulsion from an academic institution. GMYT Fashion Academy takes a strong stance against exam malpractice and has strict policies and procedures in place to prevent it.
- Types of Exam Malpractice: can include cheating, plagiarism, impersonation, communication with other candidates or outsiders during the examination, bringing unauthorized materials to the exam hall, and altering or forging exam documents.
- Penalties: for Exam Malpractice are outlined in the academy’s Code of Conduct and can vary depending on the severity of the offense. Students found guilty of exam malpractice may receive a warning, be required to re-sit the exam, have their grade invalidated, be suspended, or be expelled from the academy. Additionally, if the offense is considered criminal, the student may face legal action.
- Code of Conduct: this is a set of rules and regulations that all students must follow to maintain academic integrity and uphold the academy’s reputation. The code includes guidelines for ethical conduct, academic honesty, and responsible behavior during exams. Students are required to sign an agreement to adhere to the code of conduct before taking any exams.
It is crucial for students to understand the severity of exam malpractice and the importance of upholding the academy’s Code of Conduct. The GMYT Fashion Academy has a zero-tolerance policy towards exam malpractice, and any student found guilty will face disciplinary action. It is essential for students to prepare adequately for exams, attend lectures and follow the guidelines provided by the academy.
In conclusion, GMYT Fashion Academy takes a serious stance towards exam malpractice and is committed to upholding academic integrity. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible and ethical manner during exams and adhere to the academy’s Code of Conduct. Any student found guilty of exam malpractice will face severe penalties, and their academic progress may be impacted negatively. Therefore, it is essential for students to study hard and avoid any actions that may compromise their academic achievements.
Grading is an essential aspect of any academic program, including the GMYT Fashion Academy. It enables the instructors to assess the student’s understanding and application of the course materials and determine their level of mastery. The grading system used by GMYT Fashion Academy is based on a range of criteria that evaluate the student’s performance in the course.
Grading Criteria: The grading system used by GMYT Fashion Academy is based on the following criteria:
- Exam Performance: The student’s exam performance accounts for a significant percentage of their final grade. The academy uses a mix of multiple-choice and essay questions to assess the student’s knowledge and understanding of the course materials.
- Coursework: Coursework accounts for a significant percentage of the student’s final grade. The coursework is designed to assess the student’s ability to apply the concepts and theories learned in the course.
- Attendance: Attendance is a crucial factor in the student’s performance, and it is taken into account when grading.
- Class Participation: The student’s participation in class is also evaluated and accounted for in the final grading.
Example of grading and transcript for a GMYT Fashion Academy student
Grading Criteria:
- Multiple-Choice Questions: Each correct answer is worth 1 point.
- Essay Questions: Each question is worth 10 points, with 5 points awarded for demonstrating an understanding of relevant theory and 5 points for the application of the theory to a practical fashion scenario.
Transcript Information:
- Course Name: Introduction to Fashion Design
- Course Instructor: Jane Jerry
- Student Name: John Smith
- Student ID: 1234567
- Grade: A-
Course Description: This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of fashion design, including fashion history, fashion illustration, fabric selection, and garment construction.
- Multiple-Choice Questions: 10/10 (100%)
- Essay Questions: 45/50 (90%)
- Final Grade: 95% (A-)
Facilitator comment: John demonstrated a solid understanding of the relevant theory presented in the course and applied the theory effectively to the practical fashion scenarios presented in the essay questions. John’s work was well organized and presented in a professional manner.
Overall, John achieved an excellent result in this course, and his knowledge of fashion design fundamentals is commendable. We congratulate him on his hard work and dedication to learning.
The Graduation and Award Ceremony is an important event for GMYT Fashion Academy students as it marks the culmination of their hard work and dedication throughout their academic journey. The ceremony provides an opportunity for students to showcase their skills and creativity to a wider audience and receive recognition for their achievements.
To be eligible for graduation, students must fulfill all academic requirements, including completing all courses and passing all exams. Additionally, students must complete and submit their projects on the approved date communicated by the school management. These projects serve as a capstone to the student’s academic journey and demonstrate their ability to apply the knowledge and skills they have learned throughout their studies.
The GAH-AWARDS is an important aspect of the Graduation and Award Ceremony. These awards recognize outstanding students who have excelled in various areas of study, such as design, pattern-making, and entrepreneurship. To be considered for these awards, students must have a high level of creativity, innovation, and technical skill. Students can visit the website for more information about the awards and the criteria for selection.
The Graduation and Award Ceremony provides an opportunity for students to network with industry professionals and potential employers. It is a platform for students to showcase their talents and gain exposure to the fashion industry. The ceremony is an important stepping stone for students who aspire to start their own fashion businesses or work in established fashion companies.

GMYT Fashion Academy’s Fabric Week is a unique and exciting opportunity for fashion students to gain hands-on experience in cutting, buying, drafting, sewing, and showcasing their final projects on the fabric runway. This monthly event is designed to help students understand the practical aspects of fashion design, including the sourcing of materials, pattern making, and the creation of garments.
To complement the practical aspect of Fabric Week, the academy also conducts COB Theory Exams on the student portal. These exams are designed to assess the student’s understanding of the course content taught during that month. This approach to education not only helps students to learn the theory but also to apply it in a practical context.
The Overview of Fabric Week is comprehensive, covering all the aspects of fabric sourcing, cutting, drafting, sewing, and final presentation. Students get the chance to learn how to choose fabrics based on their quality and suitability for a particular design.
They also learn how to read and use patterns, how to cut and sew fabric, and how to make adjustments based on their clients’ needs. Students work closely with instructors and peers, gaining valuable feedback and insights into the fashion industry.
The Theory Exams are an important component of the GMYT Fashion Academy’s educational program. These exams cover a wide range of topics related to the course curriculum, including design principles, garment construction, and the business of fashion. These exams are based on the Examination Guidelines to ensure that students understand the importance of academic integrity, accountability, and excellence in their work.
In conclusion, GMYT Fashion Academy’s Fabric Week is an excellent initiative that provides students with practical, hands-on experience in the fashion industry. It is a perfect complement to the academy’s academic program, which emphasizes the importance of theory and practice. By participating in Fabric Week and Theory Exams, students can gain a comprehensive understanding of the fashion industry and become well-rounded fashion designers.
GMYT Fashion Academy Students Examination Guidelines is a well-structured document that outlines the necessary steps and requirements for ensuring academic excellence and accountability amongst fashion students in the academy. The document is designed with a smart goal-action approach that is aimed at ensuring that the students have a good comprehension of the course content and are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to start their own fashion firm one day.
The guidelines emphasize the importance of adhering to the examination guidelines, adhering to submission deadlines, and the maximum word count for essay questions. The document also highlights the grading criteria and transcript information, as well as the requirements for graduation, which includes the annual graduation and the GAH-AWARDS.
Additionally, the document emphasizes the importance of Fabric Week, which is held once every month and features cutting, buying, drafting, sewing, and showcasing the final project on the fabric runway. The COB Theory Exams on the student portal are also designed to further assess if the students have understood the course content taught for that month.
Overall, the GMYT Fashion Academy Students Examination Guidelines are a valuable resource for fashion students, and it is hoped that students will take advantage of the guidelines and use them as a tool for achieving academic excellence and accountability. The guidelines provide a framework for ensuring that the students are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the fashion industry and become successful entrepreneurs.
Words Of Wisdom
As the Principal and Group Managing Director of GMYT Fashion Academy, I have seen many students come and go, but the ones that leave a lasting memory are those who have exhibited excellence and accountability throughout their time at the Academy. As a fashion student, it is essential that you embody these traits if you hope to start your own successful fashion firm someday. Here are some words of wisdom to help you along the way:
- Firstly, always strive for excellence in everything you do. This means going above and beyond what is expected of you and setting high standards for yourself. Whether it’s your coursework, your projects, or your interactions with others, aim to be the best version of yourself at all times.
- Secondly, hold yourself accountable for your actions. This means taking responsibility for your mistakes, being honest with yourself and others, and making amends when necessary. When you hold yourself accountable, you gain the trust and respect of those around you.
- Lastly, leave a positive lasting memory wherever you go. This means being kind, respectful, and helpful to others, even when it may not benefit you directly. Your actions and the way you treat others will always be remembered long after you leave the Academy.
In conclusion, as GMYT Fashion Academy students, you have the opportunity to create a lasting legacy for yourselves. By embodying excellence and accountability and leaving a positive lasting memory, you can ensure that your time at the Academy is not only successful but also meaningful. Remember, your actions and attitudes now will shape your future in the fashion industry, so make them count. Good luck on your journey toward success!

The copyright for GMYT Fashion Academy and its materials belongs to the academy and its owners. This includes all course materials, syllabi, exams, and any other content created by the academy or its instructors. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of GMYT’s copyrighted materials is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. Students are expected to adhere to all copyright laws and respect the intellectual property rights of the academy and its instructors.
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